

Dr. Bonnie YK LAM

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Scientific Officer, Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics
Academic and Professional Qualifications
PhD (UNSW), BSc (Hons1) (UNSW)

Dr. Bonnie Lam is a Research Assistant Professor at the Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

She completed a BSc (Advanced, majoring in Neuroscience) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. She was awarded her PhD degree (UNSW) and was first to illustrate the patterns of white matter changes in the different clinical subtypes of Frontotemporal Dementia. Dr. Lam was a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom and the Lugwig Maximillian University of Munich, Germany.

During her post-doctoral training at CUHK, Dr. Lam identified the risk factors for developing delayed-onset poststroke dementia; applied diffusion tensor imaging marker to detect age-related cognitive alterations in community participants; and demonstrated the high global prevalence of cerebral small vessel disease in low- and middle-income countries. Her on-going work includes a multi-center study to investigate how cultural, geographical, and genetic variations may impact the modes of covariation between vascular risk factors and changes in cognition.

To date, Dr. Lam, has published 44 peer-reviewed publications, co-authored in 2 book chapters and obtained 4 grants (Theme-based Research Scheme (T45-407/19N); Health and Medical Research Grant # 3140936, 04153116 & 08190666) as a co-investigator.

Dr. Bonnie YK LAM

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Scientific Officer, Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics
Research Interests
  • Neuroimaging – with major focus on structural and diffusion imaging with advanced imaging processing techniques and statistical analyses
  • Risk factors for cognitive impairment
  • Disease groups of investigation:
    i) vascular dementia – cerebral small vessel disease;
    ii) neurodegenerative diseases; and
    iii) poststroke dementia
  • Lee Hysan Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Neurosciences (University of Oxford & CUHK) (2020)
  • The Tse Cheuk Ng Tai Prize for Dementia Research (2016)
  • Young Investigator Award, VasCog World Meeting (2015)
  • Neuroscience Research Australia Scholarship (2011-2014)
  • Australian Postgraduate Awards (2010-2014)
  • School of Medical Sciences UNSW Travel grant (2013)
  • The Postgraduate Research Student Support Scheme (2012)
  • Dean’s List for outstanding research, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW(2009)
Selected Publications