With the aim of nurturing CUHK scholars to be future world-class leaders in the field of untangling fundamental mechanisms and advancing treatment of neurological diseases, “Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Neurosciences Programme” was launched to provide a platform for CUHK scholars to enhance their knowledge on research, expand their international collaboration network and develop future career on neuroscience development.
Established in 2018, CUHK has set aside HK$10 million funding in support of this 2-4-year Programme, with 1-2 years to take place in the University of Oxford and 1- 2 years in CUHK.
Sharing the same vision of nurturing future leaders in clinical neuroscience as CUHK, Lee Hysan Foundation (LHF) has generously made a donation to the University to establish the Lee Hysan Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Neurosciences.
As a long-standing supporter of Education, Lee Hysan Foundation has actively supported meaningful and impactful charity initiatives in Hong Kong for over 40 years.
Two outstanding fellows, Dr. Cindy LENG (Research Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics) and Dr. Idy HO (Research Associate, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care) were identified to join the programme as Lee Hysan Fellows. Dr. Bonnie Lam (Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics) will join the programme starting July 2020.
The Fellowship is housed in CUHK and led by Prof. Vincent MOK - Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine, Head of Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, CUHK.
This joint initiative was greatly supported by University of Oxford – a highly regarded world-class institution.
NDCN is one of the leading and largest clinical neuroscience department in Europe, has a multidisciplinary workforce of close to 500 people. They build on a long history of research in neurology, brain imaging, eye disorders, and anaesthetics in Oxford and play an important role in developing the careers of young scientists.
Prof. Irene TRACEY (Warden, Merton College, Professor of Anaesthetic Neuroscience & Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Oxford), the immediate former head of NDCN, is leading the Programme at Oxford.
Founded in 1624, Pembroke College is a lively and ambitious intellectual community that serves the common good through the promotion of scholarship and research.
Fellows will have the privilege to be members of the Pembroke Senior Common Room, in which they can facilitate networking opportunities, accommodation, dining and library facilities.
“Joining the Fellowship programme is one of my happiest memories. The fruitful experience here has broadened my horizon and gave me inspiration about my future career.”
“The first year of Fellowship is a fruitful and wonderful year full of learning!”
"I am thrilled to be selected in the fellowship and to work with the director of the Oxford Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, Prof. Heidi Johansen-Berg. I am looking forward to carrying on my research passion and applying state-of-the-art neuroimaging techniques to understand to identify early biomarkers for dementia."
“It is a rewarding experience working with Prof. Peter Rothwell and his team on Oxford Vascular Study, a flagship study at the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences for prevention of stroke and dementia, and in the meantime it is also an adventure for me living in the beautiful and historical city of Oxford.”
"University of Oxford (Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences) is a great place for living and learning, where I get huge amount of support in research and personal development.”
CUHK supervisors visited Oxford in June 2019 to catch up with the fellows and Oxford supervisors on the programme progress. Collaborations on CUHK – Oxford neuroscience development were discussed.
This is not only a collaboration meeting, but also a CUHK-Oxford family reunion!
“A close monitor and timely progress review with our collaboration partner is a key success to the establishment of this Fellowship Programme.” - Prof. Vincent Mok
Ms. Nancy Braithwaite, Academic Director of Pembroke College visited the Division of Neurology of CUHK in September 2018 at which collaboration directions were discussed.
A fruitful visit from Pembroke College was held in March 2018. CUHK and Pembroke College have been working closely to establish a wide spectrum of national and cross-strait joint projects. Establishing the Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme in Neuroscience is one of the key projects.
With the vision of making major global advancement in neuroscience and fostering long-standing partnership between scientists from the UK and HK, an Exploratory Workshop was successfully held in 2017 to explore the potential research and educational collaboration on the establishment of Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme in Neuroscience.